


Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a pressing and pervasive public health concern in the United States. IPV有许多不同的定义, but generally it includes physically and/or emotionally abusive behavior by a current or former intimate partner, 约会的伴侣, 或配偶. IPV影响所有年龄段的人, 比赛, 种族, 社会经济类, 宗教, 文化, 性别、性别认同和表达, 性取向, 和物理, 精神, 情感能力. 根据一份关于……的报告 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS) (PDF) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 47% of women and 44% of men experience IPV during their lifetime. 然而, the prevalence of IPV is disproportionately higher among low-income; Black, 土著, People of Color (BIPOC); immigrant; and sexual and gender minority populations.

The consequences for people who experience IPV can be serious and debilitating and include physical injury, 心理健康挑战(焦虑), 抑郁症, 创伤后应激障碍(PTSD), 增加药物使用的风险, 患慢性病的风险增加, 甚至死亡. 数据来自 U.S. 司法部的模式 & 趋势(PDF) report suggest that 1 in 5 homicide victims are killed by an intimate partner. 此外, 这给社会带来了集体成本, as IPV also results in significant economic loss through missed days of work, 医疗费用, 以及刑事司法费用. 这些个体 and collective costs call for increased prioritization of this issue in public health research and practice.


The prevalence of IPV worsened with the onset of 新型冠状病毒肺炎, particularly with nationwide lockdowns and the impacts on social systems. 根据联合国妇女署的一份报告, this increase in the prevalence of violence is now commonly referred to as the “影子大流行(PDF).“在封锁期间, many individuals already experiencing IPV felt trapped at home with their partners, with limited options to leave their homes and unable to reach out to others whom they trusted or who might have noticed warning signs. Some individuals reported being unable to use hotlines or digital resources as their partners could monitor their communications while they sheltered in place. 此外, domestic violence shelters were operating at reduced capacity due to social distancing requirements or closed all together. Public health resources and personnel shifted from IPV prevention and response to addressing 新型冠状病毒肺炎. 这些个体, 人际关系, 社区, and societal-level barriers both increased opportunities for violence and made it more challenging for individuals experiencing violence to get help.

Government programs play an important role in leading the nation’s public health response to IPV. 通过对当前文献的研究, efforts to turn research into evidence-based practice, 进一步努力缩小研究差距, the United States can build a stronger and more effective public health response to IPV.


韦斯特在支持联邦政府方面有着悠久的历史, 状态, and local partners in their efforts to better understand and address IPV nationwide. 最近, 趣赢平台 partnered with CDC to revise the NISVS to improve overall response and cooperation rates. 趣赢平台 revised the self-administered survey for web and paper usage and conducted cognitive interviews in both English and Spanish, 与额外的可行性测试的调查. This resulted in a revised data collection methodology, 新方法的初步试验, and final reports with recommendations for implementation of a national study.

十月是家庭暴力宣传月, it provides a great opportunity for all to learn about the issue and help those who may experience IPV by sharing resources they can use.


由西方专家Mica Astion贡献, MS, 高级公共卫生研究员, 临床研究和Isa Weiss, 暑期实习生, 公共卫生.



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